Channel: Salvation Food » myth
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Earthquakes and tremors felt by the thousands in the Arkansas area?

Anyone from the Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississipi, Missouri, Illinois area feel tremors and quakes since the B.P. oil spill a few months ago?? Is this a myth? or are the testimonies really true about the...

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Create a myth using the Greek gods to explain the recent earthquake and...

I have to do this essay for English class, and I’m totally blanking out. I know Poseidon is the god of the sea and earthquakes, but the creative side of my brain isn’t working too well at the moment....

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Who were the Greek man & wife chosen to survive in a ship when Zeus decided...

Additional Details Hint: It has nothing to do with the Hebrew Noah Myth. This is a greek flood Myth. Chosen Answer: It was Deukalion (who was actually more of a Titan than he was a man – his father was...

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The following facts dismiss the myth that anyone has been displaced by sea...

The following facts dismiss the myth that anyone has been displaced by sea level rise. According to the South Pacific Regional Environment Program, two small uninhabited Kiribati islets, Tebua Tarawa...

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What’s the result of ‘rule of law’ being propgated again; as if it wasn’t...

song: eve of destruction political wars religious wars economic wars water wars doomsday clock overpopulation myth, planned destruction Y2K = F(ail) … Harold Camping = F(ail) … 2012 ten doomsday...

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Which cat food is better – dry or canned?

I have heard that moist (canned) has less filler, since fillers are added to dry cat food to make it stick together into those chunks/morsels. But on the other hand, I know that dry is better for their...

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were there continueing nations that proves there was not a global flood...

Using the bible to construct a timetable when Noah’s global flood suppossedly happened about 2900 BCE. Were not there also nations in existence that did not experience any global flood; thus, making...

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What would be the significance of the discovery of Atlantis?

I have always wondered whether Atlantis was real or whether it was just a myth or an exaggeration. If incontrovertible proof of the Atlantis that Plato described in his dialogues is found, with the...

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When will the majority of people stop believing in creationism?

There is so much evidence of evolution like radiocarbon dating and fossils from trilobites, dinosaurs, cavemen, etc so why do people believe in that stupid stone age myth? Also the common cold viruses...

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What should I do in the event of a major earthquake?

I heard standing under a doorframe is myth and its not good to do that. I have no table or anything in my room. Just a dresser, bed, and a tiny desk that I dont fit under. In the kitchen we have a...

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Do Christians know that the bible stories are myths?

myth noun 1. a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned...

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What stories in the Bible are similar to those from the ancient middle east?

Like how Gilgamesh is like the story of Noah and all that… Specific examples please. I KNOW THE BIBLE CAME FROM THE MIDDLE EAST! I’m not stupid. I just need a specific middle eastern story that is...

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What do young earth creationists think about the dinosaurs?

Most young earth creationists claim that the earth is 6,000 years old (though the wikipedia page on this subject says the earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old). The dinosaurs existed over 100...

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Who can give an accurate description of the Nephilim and how they came to be?

And are they still among us??? Ooooh @Jerome..Why, thank you Chosen Answer: Genesis 6:1-8 forms the introduction to the story of the great Flood. It is in two sections, the first of which had no...

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